Tagged: windows

Národní 1010/9: Topič Gallery

Národní 1010/9: Topič Gallery

In 1883 the publisher František Topič opened his first bookshop here on Národní třída (National Avenue). From its central location opposite the National Theatre, Topič was able to exert great influence as a promoter of...

Prašná brána (Powder Tower)

Prašná brána (Powder Tower)

For many years, the eastern wall of the city was guarded by an imposing gatehouse on the road leading to the royal mint at Kutná Hora. In time, it came to form the entrance to...

Na Václavce 175/46

Na Václavce 175/46

This beautifully-decorated villa was designed in the early 1900s by the Smíchov-based architect František Kavalír, a pupil of Jan Kotěra. Its name ‘Na Klavírce’ records the farmstead Klavírka which previously stood here when the hill...

Celetná 569/34: The Black Madonna

Celetná 569/34: The Black Madonna

The ‘House of the Black Madonna’ occupies a corner plot between the streets of Celetná and Ovocný trh (Fruitmarket) in Prague’s Old Town. Its facade and the unique interior were designed in 1911 by Josef...

Jeruzalémská 1310/7: Jubilee Synagogue

Jeruzalémská 1310/7: Jubilee Synagogue

Also known as the Jerusalem synagogue and ‘Velká synagoga’ or ‘Great synagogue’, the Jubilee synagogue was originally proposed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the reign of Franz Josef I in 1898. Five years earlier,...

Lichtenštejnský palác (Liechtenstein Palace)

Lichtenštejnský palác (Liechtenstein Palace)

There have been Princes of Liechtenstein resident in Prague since the early 1600s. Karel ‘the Bloody’ – the first prince and founder of the dynasty – was put in charge of the execution of the...

Villa Tugendhat, Brno, Czech Republic

Villa Tugendhat, Brno, Czech Republic

In 1928, the wealthy Jewish industrialist Fritz Tugendhat and his wife Greta commissioned the architect Ludwig Mies van de Rohe to design a family house on a plot of land overlooking the Czech Republic’s second...

Náměstí Republiky 1090/5: Municipal House

Náměstí Republiky 1090/5: Municipal House

The Municipal House (Obecní dům) was built between 1905 and 1912 on the site of the former Royal Court as an official centre for Czech social and cultural affairs. When an open competition for its...

Cathedral Church of Saint Vitus

Cathedral Church of Saint Vitus

Founded on 21 November 1344, Saint Vitus’s Cathedral in Prague Castle is the work of generations of master builders. The east end (to the right of this picture) was built by the French architect Matthew...

Ovocný trh 567/15: U České orlice

Ovocný trh 567/15: U České orlice

‘Mír a štěstí buď pod touto střechou’: ‘May peace and happiness reign under this roof’ AD 1897. The House of the Bohemian Eagle (U České orlice) stands in the historic fruitmarket, near to the House...