
Introductions to architectural periods

Romanesque period from Wikipedia
Gothic period from Wikipedia
Renaissance period from Wikipedia
Baroque period from Wikipedia
Historicism from Wikipedia
Art Nouveau from Wikipedia
The Doric Order an illustrated glossary of architectural terms

Databases and gazetteers

ArchINFORM the world’s largest architectural database… … and its Czech equivalent
City of Prague Department of Culture and Monuments (cz and en)
Langweil Info Contemporary city photography with limited but detailed gazeteer (cz)
National Heritage Institute English-language pages of the Národní památkový ústav
Praha Info Limited gazeteer (cz)
Table of Historically Valuable Buildings (19th and 20th centuries)

Guides to the city as a whole Official tourist agency pages
Praga Magica Czech-language blog about contemporary and historic buildings (cz)
Praha Neznámá Superb Czech-language illustrated guide to less well-known locations (cz)
Virtual Prague Interactive panoramas (cz and en)


Old Town
Královská cesta Prague’s ‘Royal Mile’ – excellent, highly detailed website (cz and en)

Historic street names of Vinohrady  from 1870 onwards
Encyclopaedia of Prague 2 (cz) Excellent site with cultural gazeteer and biographies


Dve Prahyfascinating slideable timeline of historicPrague street maps from 1842 to the present
Prague Geoportal Official database of cadastral maps

Mobile and desktop apps and guides

3D-model of Prague Highly sophisticated interactive model for desktop. Requires significant processing capability.
Air-raids on Prague Interactive maps and photo record of 1944-1945 aerial bombardments: intro in English; desktop app in Czech
Prague City Line downloadable walking tours to the city (mobile)
Prague HiStories: walking tour developed to commemorate 1918 centenary (mobile)
Prague on Fire English-language multimedia site and app giving details of all historical conflagrations (desktop and mobile)
Prochazky Prahou Guided walks along notable streets (cz)
Zaniklé kostely v Praze Interactive desktop map of churches that no longer exist (cz)


Neviditelný Pes Since 1995, this site has hosted the monthly column of architectural historian Zdeněk Lukeš (cz)
The distinctiveness of Bohemian baroque Ralph Harrington
Digital Signatures of the Baroque: the Cult of the Chronogram in 18th century Bohemia  Alex Went
The origins of the Spanish synagogue Ivan Kalmar
Central European Architecture and Urbanism Benjamin Tallis
The Authorship of certain facades of the art nouveau, cubist and modernist period Jan Svoboda
The Democratic Castle as Sacred Space: Religion and Ideals in the Renovation of Prague Castle Bruce Berglund
Socialism on Display Kimberly Zarecor and Vladimir Kuliċ
František Sequens: Decoration of the Churches of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Prague-Karlín and Saint Wenceslas in Prague-Smíchov Adéla Klinerová

Subject-specific collections

Aliens and Herons  Comprehensive catalogue of public sculpture of the 1970s and 1980s
Architektura 489 Database and interactive map of buildings constructed between 1948 and 1989
Baba Estate A collection of photographs about this early 20th century experiment
Commemorative Plaques in Prague a pictorial catalogue by Václav Bártík (cz)
European Theatre Architecture Database (cz and en)
Every public transit stop in Prague an eccentric collection, but helpful for street name history
Famous Villas Czech housing heritage (cz)
Filmová místa Film locations in the Czech Republic
Memory of Nations A remarkable collection of geolocated oral history from the 20th century, with mobile app Site devoted to the artworks of the Metro system (cz/en)
Pamětní místa Memorial sites to the period of communism 1948-1989
Praha Daily Photo includes a good selection of historic house signs
Pražské kašny a fontány Pictorial catalogue of Prague’s wells and fountains (cz)
Saxa Loquuntur Chronograms from around the Czech Republic (cz) Site devoted to the ‘Czech Borromini’, Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel
Statues of Prague part of René & Peter van der Krogt’s excellent website
Poškozené a zničené kostely  Catalogue of churches and synagogues damaged or destroyed since 1945 (cz)
Spolek pro vojenská pietní místa Directory of Czech war graves and military memorials (cz)
Unbuilt Prague: unrealized urban plans for the city (cz)


Historic photographs

Old Prague Survey of Prague in old postcards
Historické fotografie Czech towns in old photographs (cz)
Prague 100 Years Ago Facebook community site – excellent source of images (cz)
Staré Vršovice Historical photos of Vrsovice on Facebook

Non-architectural sites

British Czech and Slovak AssociationRaising awareness in Britain
Czech Mates  blog written by frequent visitors to the city
Czech Please the best independent bar and restaurant guide to Prague
Czechmate Diary Small Bohemian Steps to World Domination
The Good Soldier Švejk the classic satire by Jaroslav Hašek
Prague Daily Photo scenes of Prague life
Prague Leaves poems written in or inspired by Prague an Anglican in Prague
Vršovice Photo Diary guide to an area of Prague less well known to tourists