Tagged: Josef Chochol

Přemyslova 98/11 and Neklanova 98/30

Přemyslova 98/11 and Neklanova 98/30

This corner apartment block was constructed between 1913 and 1914 by František Hodek, and is generally attributed to the cubist architect Josef Chochol. The building’s classical articulation is set off by Chochol’s trademark lozenges, whose...

Rašínovo nábřeží 47/8

Rašínovo nábřeží 47/8

This triple villa was constructed for three sets of clients: the central white house for the brothers Jan and Josef Bayer, and the red houses on either side for two property developers, František Hodek and...

Libušina 49/3: Kovařovic Villa

Libušina 49/3: Kovařovic Villa

The fragmented geometry of Cubism had a major impact on Bohemian artistic style in the years leading up to the First World War, and it was in Prague above all that Cubist design reached its...