Tagged: balconies

New City Hall (Nová radnice)

New City Hall (Nová radnice) — not to be confused with the mediaeval New Town Hall (Novoměstská radnice) — was built between 1908 and 1912 according to a design by Osvald Polívka. At first, the...

Na Švihance 1588/12 and 1569/14

Na Švihance 1588/12 and 1569/14

These fine art nouveau apartments on the border of the Vinohrady and Žižkov districts date from 1910; they were built by Antonín Polívka to a design by the architect Josef Pospíšil. Seven years earlier, Pospíšil...

Tolstého 522/11 and 523/13

Tolstého 522/11 and 523/13

The ornate Parisian-style apartment blocks of Kodaňská Street and its immediate neighbourhood are some of the most impressive domestic houses in Prague. But even those not facing directly onto that grand boulevard still have a...

Vlašská 347/19: Lobkowicz Palace

Vlašská 347/19: Lobkowicz Palace

Originally a single-storey construction, this magnificent three-winged palace was built between 1703 and 1706 by the architect Giovanni Battista Aliprandi for Count Karel Přehořovský of Kvasejovice, Master of the Royal Mint. In 1753, it was...

Štefánikova 68/12: Portheimka

Štefánikova 68/12: Portheimka

In 1722, the celebrated Prague architect Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer purchased a plot of land formerly held by the Jesuits, where his patron Count Jan Václav Michna already owned a substantial garden. Over the course of...

Masarykovo nábřeží 224/32: Goethe Institute

Masarykovo nábřeží 224/32: Goethe Institute

Originally the headquarters of the First Czech General Reinsurance Bank, this handsome art nouveau building close to the National Theatre was constructed in 1904-5 to a plan by the architect Jiří Stibral. Additional features of...

Nad hradním vodojemem 642/14: Villa Müller

This impressive modernist villa was designed in 1928 by the celebrated architect Adolf Loos for the the family of civil engineer František Müller, co-owner of the Kapsa-Müller construction company. A clean white cube set on...

Londýnská 575/48

Londýnská 575/48

A splendid French-style town house in the art nouveau style with neo-baroque detailing, designed by architect Jaroslav Pelc and constructed between 1913 and 1914.

Náměstí Republiky 1090/5: Municipal House

Náměstí Republiky 1090/5: Municipal House

The Municipal House (Obecní dům) was built between 1905 and 1912 on the site of the former Royal Court as an official centre for Czech social and cultural affairs. When an open competition for its...

Trojická 386/1

Trojická 386/1

These attractive balconies decorate the facade of one of a range of apartments constructed in the district of Podskalí following the devastating flood of 1890. The work of several leading architects, this particular corner building...