Tagged: civic buildings

Novoměstská radnice: New Town Hall

The founding of the so-called ‘New Town’ in 1348 made Prague the third largest city by area in the whole of Europe after Rome and Constantinople. According to the census of thirty years later, the...

New City Hall (Nová radnice)

New City Hall (Nová radnice) — not to be confused with the mediaeval New Town Hall (Novoměstská radnice) — was built between 1908 and 1912 according to a design by Osvald Polívka. At first, the...

Táborská 500/30: Nusle Town Hall

Táborská 500/30: Nusle Town Hall

The neo-renaissance Nusle Town Hall by Antonín Turek (1908) still houses the offices of the district of Prague 4. Its splendid arcaded balcony, facade and clock are all typical of the decorative fervour of that...