Tagged: Matthias Bernhard Braun

Matthias Bernhard Braun (1684 – 1738) was the pre-eminent sculptor of the late Baroque period. Born near Innsbruck, he came to Prague at the age of 26 and immediately won praise for his ‘Vision of Saint Lutgardis’, one of the statues of the saints on the Charles Bridge. His understanding of the drama of movement in space sets his work above that of his contemporaries.

Saint Lutgardis

Charles Bridge: Saint Lutgardis

Visitors to Prague are always surprised to learn that the avenue of saints keeping watch over Charles Bridge was never planned as a single architectural scheme. In fact the statues were created by no fewer...

Vrtba Gardens

Tucked away behind an unassuming gateway on Karmelitská street in Malá Strana is one of the hidden gems of Prague: the baroque garden constructed for Jan Josef Count of Vrtba, considered to be among the...

Charles Bridge: Saint Ivo

Saint Ivo Helory was a thirteenth-century parish priest from Brittany who was canonized in 1347. He trained as a lawyer and rapidly made his name as an advocate for orphans, widows and the poor. Two...

Hospital and Church of the Holy Trinity, Kuks

Hospital and Church of the Holy Trinity, Kuks

Almost exactly halfway between the cities of Hradec Králové and Trutnov in the north of the Czech Republic, the river Elbe flows through the pleasant wooded valley of Kuks, from which the land rises gently...

veltrusy chateau 2

Veltrusy Chateau

Situated on the banks of the river Vltava about twenty miles north of Prague, the chateau of Veltrusy was commissioned in 1704 for the counts of Chotek. Work began around the year 1706 to a...

Husova 158/20: Clam-Gallas Palace

Husova 158/20: Clam-Gallas Palace

Descended from a distinguished Austrian family, Count Johann Wenzel (Jan Václav) von Gallas managed an extensive diplomatic portfolio. As well as being Ambassador to London and the Hague during the War of the Spanish Succession,...

Prague Castle: Míčovna (Ball-Game House)

Prague Castle: Míčovna (Ball-Game House)

The Great Ball Game House in the grounds of the castle dates from between 1567 and 1569 and is the work of Bonifaz Wohlmut, who also contributed to the nearby Royal Summer Palace as well...