Tagged: statues

Mickiewiczova 233/1: Villa Bílek

From the 1720s to 1890s, Prague’s castle district was surrounded by a defensive wall, punctuated at intervals by gates and bastions. However, the so-called Marian ramparts proved to be of limited military use, so between...

Charles Bridge: Saints Cyril and Methodius

On 3 September 1890, a powerful flood washed away three arches of Charles Bridge. Two eighteenth-century statues by Ferdinand Maxmilián Brokoff toppled into the river and were smashed to pieces. Enough was salvaged to be...

Křižovnická 61/12: U Dvou štítů

Křižovnická 61/12: U Dvou štítů

The name František Sander is principally connected with the architecture of navigable waterways, particularly the Elbe and the Vltava, in the early part of the 20th century. He was responsible for the impressive Vltava embankment...

Karlův Most: Charles Bridge

Charles Bridge: Jan Nepomuk

The baroque statues for which Charles Bridge is rightly famous are not arranged according to any predetermined plan. They were erected individually over many decades, part of the programme of recatholicization after the Thirty Years’...

Saint Lutgardis

Charles Bridge: Saint Lutgardis

Visitors to Prague are always surprised to learn that the avenue of saints keeping watch over Charles Bridge was never planned as a single architectural scheme. In fact the statues were created by no fewer...

Vrtba Gardens

Tucked away behind an unassuming gateway on Karmelitská street in Malá Strana is one of the hidden gems of Prague: the baroque garden constructed for Jan Josef Count of Vrtba, considered to be among the...

Charles Bridge: Saint Ivo

Saint Ivo Helory was a thirteenth-century parish priest from Brittany who was canonized in 1347. He trained as a lawyer and rapidly made his name as an advocate for orphans, widows and the poor. Two...

Václavské náměstí 775/8: Adam Pharmacy

Václavské náměstí 775/8: Adam Pharmacy

The Adam pharmacy at the lower end of Wenceslas Square was built between 1911 and 1913 by the firm of Matěj Blecha according to a design by Emil Králíček. The same team was also responsible...

Valdštejn Gardens and 'Sala Terrena'

Valdštejn Gardens and ‘Sala Terrena’

These impressive formal gardens form part of the palace complex designed for Count Albrecht of Wallenstein by the architectural triumvirate of Giovanni Pieroni, Andrea Spezza and Nicolo Sebregondi.  Covering four-and-a-half acres — nearly two hectares...

Basilica of St James the Greater

Basilica of St James the Greater

The church of St James the Greater (sv. Jakub Větší) was founded in 1232 in Prague’s Old Town, possibly as a shrine to hold a relic of St James acquired by the Přemyslid king Otakar...