Tagged: Jan Kotěra

MediaJan Kotera (1871 – 1923). Born in Brno and trained in Vienna by Otto Wagner, Kotěra became one of the most influential architects in Prague. His innovative  designs, avoiding excessive ornamentation and promoting a formal simplicity, anticipated those of the modernists who followed, many of whom he himself taught.


Masarykovo nábřeží 250/1: Mánes Exhibition Hall

Masarykovo nábřeží 250/1: Mánes Exhibition Hall

In 1887, a small group of Czech artists and writers came together to found the Mánes Society of Fine Arts. In the context of their country’s desire to break away from the Austro-Hungarian empire, ‘S.V.U....

Museum of Eastern Bohemia, Hradec Králové

Museum of Eastern Bohemia, Hradec Králové

In the late 1890s. the young artists of the Viennese secession sent shockwaves through Europe with their radical new approach to art and architecture. While not completely throwing out the neoclassical rulebook, their boldly geometric...