Category: romanesque

MediaThe romanesque style (10th to 12th centuries) is characterized by sturdy walls, thick pillars, barrel vaults and semicircular arches. The best examples in Prague are to be found in the several round churches, or rotundas, as well as the interior of buildings such as the Basilica of Saint George in the castle complex.


Prague Castle: Basilica of Saint George

Prague Castle: Basilica of Saint George

A stone’s throw from the east end of the Cathedral of Saint Vitus stands the smaller but no less significant Basilica of Saint George (Bazilika svatého Jiří). Founded in 920 by Duke Vratislav I, the...

Na Rybníčku: Rotunda of Saint Longinus

Na Rybníčku: Rotunda of Saint Longinus

The street where this small Romanesque chapel stands is named after the settlement of Rybník or Rybníček, the home of one of Prague’s ancient fishponds. Built in the early 12th century on land belonging to...

Rotunda of Saint Martin, Vyšehrad

Rotunda of Saint Martin, Vyšehrad

The oldest of the three Romanesque round churches in Prague, Saint Martin’s is also the earliest surviving structure in the ancient citadel of Vyšehrad, to the south of the city. The rotunda dates from the...