Tagged: Jan Petrák

Bubenečská 368/21

Bubenečská 368/21

A mural depicting the slaying of a boar – possibly a reference to the legend of Bivoj – decorates the facade of one of the several art nouveau houses built by Jan Petrák in Bubenečská...

Bubenečská 351/17

Bubenečská 351/17

Number 17 is one of a row of five fine apartment buildings on this street designed around 1910 by the Dejvice-based architect Jan Petrák. All are decorated with highly-accomplished art nouveau murals. The house on...

Gorazdova 1996/13: U Kapínů

Gorazdova 1996/13: U Kapínů

A pair of raftsmen, bringing timber downriver from southern Bohemia, form part of the group depicted in this beautifully-composed art nouveau facade, which has as its backdrop the distinctive silhouette of Prague castle. Timber transportation...