Tagged: artists

Týn 639/1: Granovský Palace

The area bounded by the churches of St James the Greater and Our Lady before Týn is one of the most well-preserved mediaeval public spaces in Europe. A significant trading place since at least the...

Sova’s Mills / Museum Kampa

The banks of the Vltava contain a rich heritage of industrial architecture,  from water towers to breweries, from weirs to watermills. The island known since the 18th century as ‘Kampa’  (possibly from its use as...

Convent of Saint Agnes

The earliest gothic building in Prague, the Convent of Saint Agnes was constructed in 1231 on a riverside plot later known as ‘Na Františku’ (St Francis’s). The site had been donated by King Wenceslas I...

National Museum

The seeds of a national museum were sown as early as the 1780s with the establishment of the Royal Bohemian Society of Learning, ancestor of today’s Academy of Sciences. Its members were wealthy, aristocratic and...

Mickiewiczova 233/1: Villa Bílek

From the 1720s to 1890s, Prague’s castle district was surrounded by a defensive wall, punctuated at intervals by gates and bastions. However, the so-called Marian ramparts proved to be of limited military use, so between...

Masarykovo nábřeží 250/1: Mánes Exhibition Hall

Masarykovo nábřeží 250/1: Mánes Exhibition Hall

In 1887, a small group of Czech artists and writers came together to found the Mánes Society of Fine Arts. In the context of their country’s desire to break away from the Austro-Hungarian empire, ‘S.V.U....

Vyšehrad Cemetery and Slavín

Vyšehrad Cemetery and Slavín

Vyšehrad cemetery was established in 1869 as a national burial ground for eminent Czechs from all walks of life, but especially those from the arts, the sciences, and the world of politics. Among its well-known...

Lány Chateau

Lány Chateau

The village of Lány, twenty miles from Prague, stands in a region of fields and forests used for hunting since at least the tenth century. But it was in 1587 that Emperor Rudolf II forged...

Prague Astronomical Clock (Orloj)

Prague Astronomical Clock (Orloj)

The exact authorship of the mediaeval clock (‘orloj’) in Prague’s Old Town Square is confused, but it seems to have been the result of a collaboration between Mikuláš of Kadaň and Jan Šindel, an astronomer...

Church of the Name of the Virgin, Křtiny

Church of the Name of the Virgin, Křtiny

Legend has it that the ninth-century saints Cyril and Methodius baptized their first Moravian disciples in this wooded valley a few miles northeast of Brno (about 150 miles southeast of Prague). The village of Křtiny...