Tagged: Prague 2

Statue of František Rieger, Riegrovy sady

Statue of František Rieger, Riegrovy sady

Born in 1818, František Ladislav Rieger was from his student days a passionate advocate of Czech nationalism. His 1848 speech in Vienna won him the admiration of František Palacký, who was to become not only...

Vinohradská 1409/12: Czech Radio

Radio broadcasts in Czechoslovakia began on 18 May 1923, making the fledgling state only the second country in Europe after Britain to enjoy such a regular service. For the first two years, programmes were broadcast...

Blanická 1971/19: Business Academy

Blanická 1971/19: Business Academy

The Business Academy of Prague, founded in the district of Karlín in 1909, was obliged to move to larger premises in Vinohrady in 1925. Its new home was a constructivist building by František Kavalír and...

Náměstí Míru: 'Girl with a Dove'

Náměstí Míru: ‘Girl with a Dove’

On its plain white pedestal, the graceful ‘Dívka s holubicí’ (Girl with a Dove, 1979) by sculptor Jiří Kryštůfek is a strikingly elegant work of public art. The simplicity of the piece conceals the skilful...

Náměstí Míru: Memorial to Josef and Karel Čapek

Náměstí Míru: Memorial to Josef and Karel Čapek

Prague is a city full of stories of artificial human beings, from the Golem, a mud-man devised by the 16th century Rabbi Loew to protect the Jewish community, to the bizarrely mummified remains of Klement...

Church of Saint John Nepomuk on the Rock

Church of Saint John Nepomuk on the Rock

In the seventeenth century, there grew on the sloping hillside east of Karlovo náměstí (Charles Square) a vineyard where, in 1691, a small wooden chapel was established in memory of John Nepomuk by Kristian Florian...

Vyšehrad Cemetery and Slavín

Vyšehrad Cemetery and Slavín

Vyšehrad cemetery was established in 1869 as a national burial ground for eminent Czechs from all walks of life, but especially those from the arts, the sciences, and the world of politics. Among its well-known...

Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Vyšehrad

Statue of Libuše and Přemysl, Vyšehrad

Přemysl and Libuše, Josef Myslbek, 1897 (copy) In the peaceful grounds of the ancient fort of Vyšehrad stand four monumental statues by Josef Myslbek depicting characters from early Czech mythology. One shows an allegorical couple,...

Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Vyšehrad

Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Vyšehrad

Rising impressively from a rocky bluff south of the city, the ancient fortified settlement of Vyšehrad dates from the tenth century. The place is indelibly linked with the foundation of Prague, thanks largely to the...

Na Švihance 1588/12 and 1569/14

Na Švihance 1588/12 and 1569/14

These fine art nouveau apartments on the border of the Vinohrady and Žižkov districts date from 1910; they were built by Antonín Polívka to a design by the architect Josef Pospíšil. Seven years earlier, Pospíšil...