U Zvonařky

This fine ornamental staircase, along with its companion on the opposite side of the road, connects the high ground of the New Town with that of Vinohrady. The upper street on this side, U Zvonařky (‘Bellmaker’s’) is named in recognition of Brikcí of Cimperk, a master bell-founder of the sixteenth century, whose property included a neighbouring vineyard.

Brikcí, also known as Briccius, was one of a great dynasty of bell-founders including his grandfather Master Bartholomew of Prague, his father Andrew, his brother Sigmund, and his sons. The family were widely praised for their skill, and their bells still hang in many of the churches featured in these pages, an astonishing fact since so many of Prague’s bells were requisitioned for their metal during the First and Second World Wars. For a comprehensive list of Prague’s church bells, please visit Dickon Love’s excellent website.