Tagged: Prague 7

Ovenecká 341/46

Ovenecká 341/46

Art nouveau detail from the facade of a residential building designed in 1911 by architect Alois Masák.

Šmeralova 360/30

Šmeralova 360/30

Decorative element from the art nouveau facade of a townhouse designed in 1911-12 by the architect Václav Vacek. This was the first photograph taken specifically for The Prague Vitruvius, on 26 June 2011, and marks...

Nad Královskou oborou 102/5

Nad Královskou oborou 102/5

A memorial to the Slovak painter Cyprián Majerník (1909-1945), who spent most of his working life in Bohemia. His paintings were strongly influenced by contemporary events, especially the Spanish Civil War (Don Quixote became an...

Nad Královskou oborou 189/7

Nad Královskou oborou 189/7

‘To us good will, to no man ill’ is one of several proverbs depicted on the facade of this handsome apartment building in Prague 7. Constructed in 1901 overlooking the extensive Stromovka park, the architect...