Tagged: legends

Bubenečská 368/21

Bubenečská 368/21

A mural depicting the slaying of a boar – possibly a reference to the legend of Bivoj – decorates the facade of one of the several art nouveau houses built by Jan Petrák in Bubenečská...

Bubenečská 351/17

Bubenečská 351/17

Number 17 is one of a row of five fine apartment buildings on this street designed around 1910 by the Dejvice-based architect Jan Petrák. All are decorated with highly-accomplished art nouveau murals. The house on...

Ostrčilovo náměstí 518/1: U Bivoje

Ostrčilovo náměstí 518/1: U Bivoje

The bas-relief of 1910 depicts the legend of Bivoj and the Wild Boar, first recounted in the 14th century ‘Dalimil Chronicle’, the earliest work in the Czech language. The hero Bivoj singlehandedly knocks out the...

U akademie 283/1

U akademie 283/1

This art-nouveau detail is from an apartment block of 1908 built by Karel Hübschmann in the district of Bubeneč. In the 19th and early 20th centuries the ancient foundation myth of Prague became a crucial...