Tagged: Prague 10

Charkovská 399/16

Charkovská 399/16

At the end of the nineteenth century, the demand for new housing led to an explosion of residential buildings beyond the traditional boundaries of the city. Charkovská (or as it was first known, Nerudova) twenty...

Kodaňská 559/23

Kodaňská 559/23

Saint Wenceslas (Svatý Václav) was a tenth-century duke of Bohemia and patron of the Czech lands. His good deeds, particularly those carried out with his page Podevin, became the subject of a favourite English Christmas...

Kodaňská 552/35

Kodaňská 552/35

The lack of fresh paint lends a particularly impressive air to this neo-baroque building on Vrsovice’s elegant Kodaňská street.

Kodaňská 554/51

Kodaňská 554/51

An example of an art nouveau facade from the turn of the twentieth century, located on Kodaňská (Copenhagen Street), the outstanding street of period housing in Vršovice.